Robots in Disguise (2015)
In the sequel to Transformers: Prime Bumblebee receives a vision from Optimus Prime. Cybertron may be restored and at peace, but on Earth a new Decepticon threat is emergin. Bumblebee has to lead a ragtag group of Autobots back to planet Earth in order to combat this new menace. New TV series for younger viewers, new toys for younger players. Here are the Robots in Disguise 2.0 toys we have reviewed so far.
Newest Updates:
- RID 2015 Twinferno - 17 October 2018
- RID 2015 Blurr - 16 February 2018
- RID 2015 Thermidor - 19 September 2017
- RID 2015 Primestrong - 11 June 2017
- RID 2015 Soundwave - 18 April 2017