Earthrise follows Siege as the next installment of the War for Cybertron Trilogy. The Autobots are racing through space to find the Allspark, pursued by Decepticons, and come upon new menaces like the Quintessons and the Mercenaries.
Earthrise, despite the cartoon not taking place on Earth, gives us new versions of G1 characters with Earth modes, as well as the new Modulators (based on the old Micromaster bases).
Toys from the War for Cybertron: Earthrise toyline.
Newest Updates:
- Earthrise Thrust - 04 August 2024
- Earthrise Dirge - 17 May 2024
- Earthrise Thundercracker - 06 August 2023
- Earthrise Skywarp - 07 December 2022
- Earthrise Sunstreaker - 29 December 2020