This website is the property of
Philip Schwersensky
Am Rinkenbühl 4
64807 Dieburg
You can contact me via the contact form. This website is private without any commercial purposes and no profit is made from it.
Transformers and all related copyrights belong to Hasbro and Takara-Tomy, as well as their various licencees for comics, movies, TV shows, etc. This website is not in any way associated with these companies. All pictures on this website were either taken by the site owner or are used with permission. No photos may be used on other sites or offline without express permission of the site owner.
Linked sites:
The site owner is in no way responsible for the content of any external websites that are linked here on, as we have no influence on these sites. This does not mean that we aren't screening what sites we are linking to here, but we cannot be held liable in any way, shape or form.
Protection of Minors:
All content of this website is, to the best of the site owner's knowledge, appropriate for visitors of all ages, including those under 12 years of age, and pose no threat to their development or mental health. Should an exception to this ever occur, the site owner will take steps to clearly and unmistakably distinguish such content from the rest of the site.
This does not, however, free you, dear parents, from your responsibility of maybe, ocassionally taking a look at what your kid might be reading on the Internet. As much as some of you might like that, no one here will take that responsibility from you.