Robots in Disguise (2001)
When the evil Predacons invade planet Earth, a force of good emerges from hiding. The Autobots have been on Earth for some time now, cloaked in the form of vehicles, awaiting the coming of their enemies. The Predacons are looking to control the most powerful Transformer in the universe, Brave Maximus, and if the Autobots can't stop them Megatron will rule the universe.
Robots in Disguise, or Car Robots as the Japanese version was called, was the first Japanese Transformers series to air in the United States. It was much more anime-like than most viewers were accustomed to (or liked, in my case). The stories were geared toward a very young audience and very childish at times, but the toys were, for the most part, very good. So here they are.
Newest Updates:
- RID 2001 Prowl 2 - 25 September 2015
- RID 2001 Mirage GT - 27 August 2014
- RID 2001 Scavenger - 19 December 2013
- RID 2001 Nightcruz - 18 December 2013
- RID 2001 Dreadwind & Smokejumper - 11 December 2013