Beast Wars II
While the Beast Wars raged on ancient Earth, another conflict takes place in the far future. On the planet Gaia the Cybertrons, led by Lio Convoy, try to keep the mysterious Amolgois energy save from Galvatron's Destrons, their adventures chronicled in the Japanese exclusive series Beast Wars II. Beast Wars II utilized many of the Beast Wars figures unused in the American TV series, as well as older molds from Generation 1 and 2, plus a few new ones never seen in the West.
Newest Updates:
- Beast Wars II Autocrasher - 12 April 2016
- Beast Wars II Autostinger - 18 February 2015
- Beast Wars II Tonbot - 17 December 2014
- Beast Wars II Apache - 12 November 2014
- Beast Wars II Autolauncher - 27 November 2012