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Because Baku-ten Attack Robo Twin Twist sounded a bit too retro!
Series: Legacy Wreck´n´Rule Collection
Year: 2022
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Deluxe Headmaster


Prelude: Hey, did you know that most of the early Transformers were originally from a Japanese toy line called Diaclone? No? Well, now you know, and knowing is half the battle. The other half is understanding that Hasbro will use that bit of trivia to sell you Diaclone-inspired repaints of many a Transformers figure. Are we cool with that? Well, in the case of Twin Twist, I believe that, yes, we are cool with that. So, let’s say go!

Robot Mode: Legacy Twin Twist is, of course, a repaint of Titans Return Twin Twist, who is a retool of Titans Return Topspin. It’s been over seven years since I reviewed those bots, though (how can Titans Return be so old already???), so we’ll start from the top, I think.

Twin Twist is a Deluxe-Class robot and on the bigger side of the scale, too. He is big, he is chunky, and he just has that 1980s mecha anime feel to him. Very nice. Articulation is a bit shy of today’s standards, no ankle tilts or twisting wrists, but otherwise he can move very well. Given that he is a Headmaster, his head can turn freely. Given that he’s a Headmaster with a slightly too large socket for the Titan Master’s head, the head wobbles a bit. It does enable you to make him look up and down somewhat, just don’t try and lift the whole robot by the head.

One thing I need to mention: Twin Twist’s legs are a tiny bit wobbly, too. It’s not bad and doesn’t impede the posing ability any, but they could be a bit tighter. Seems to be mold-related, as my original Titans Return figures also have slightly wobbly legs. Again, it does not hinder the figure any, but enough to be noticeable.

Twin Twist carries twin rifles for weapons, which can combine into a bigger weapon, too. They look better as individual weapon in my mind, though. Twin Twist also comes with the handle part of a big cardboard hammer, the remaining parts are with the other figures in the Amazon-exclusive Wreck’n Rule Collection.

Bottom line: a great figure that looks fabulous in the new, Diaclone-inspired red and blue colors.

Alternate Mode: In just about every Japanese toy line involving robots and/or vehicles, you will find at least one driller. A vehicle and/or robot carrying one or more giant drills. Make of that what you will. Anyway, Twin Twist transforms into a drill tank. Side note: this is how I manage to keep the names straight between the Jumpstarters, by remembering that one of them has twin twisting drills. And no, they don’t actually twist on this vehicle mode, but it’s the thought that counts.

While not as simple as the original G1 Jumpstarter transformation, getting Twin Twist into vehicle mode is pretty simple, yet the resulting vehicle looks very nice to me. A great science-fiction style vehicle with tank tracks on the side and the two big drills out front. The cockpit opens up and you can seat Flameout (see below) or any other Titan Master inside. The two rifles can be mounted on the sides or be combined into one bigger rifle and serve as a gunner’s seat for Flameout.

Bottom line: a great vehicle mode, simple yet effective.

Partner: All Titans Return figures Deluxe Class and up were Headmasters and Twin Twist was no exception. His head detaches and transforms into Titan Master Flameout… or so I assume. The name of the Titan Master is not given on the package nor in the instructions, but seeing as that was its name in Titans Return, I’m going with that.

Flameout is your typical Titan Master, moderately-well articulated, capable of sitting in Twin Twist’s vehicle cockpit or on top of the combined weapon as a gunner. And that’s pretty much it, really. Personally I don’t think of the Jumpstarters as Headmasters, so I’ll not spare much thought on this little guy here.

Remarks: Twin Twist started his existence as the Takara Diaclone Baku-ten Attack Robo Drill Tank Type. It was available in two different color schemes and one of them was used for this Diaclone homage you’re looking at here. The figure came out as part of the Amazon-exclusive Wreck’n Rule Collection and for quite some time a lot of people complained that we really need a Diaclone-colored Topspin to go with it. Well, the complaints worked, as Diaclone Topspin will come out in 2025 (already on my preorder list).

If you’ve read my original reviews of Twin Twist and Topspin, you know that I really like this mold. Titans Return cranked out great Deluxe figures by the bucket load and these guys were no different. Twin Twist looks awesome in his new (or old, rather) colors and I am impatiently awaiting Topspin. Just about the only thing I could complain about is that the joints could be a bit tighter. So bottom line: a great repaint of a great figure.

Rating: A-


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