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The one with the cool wings! That's it, he's got cool wings.
Series: War for Cybertron: Earthrise
Allegiance: Decepticon
Categories: Voyager
Year: 2020


Prelude: The Conehad Seekers from Season 2 of the original G1 cartoon all had their distinguishing gimmicks. Ramjet liked to ram stuff. Dirge scared his opponents with the sounds of his engines. And Thrust… eh… he kind of did the same thing Dirge did, just… less successfully? But hey, he’s got those cool wings with the VTOL turbines inside of them, so he’s got that going for him, right? He’s the Conehead with the Cool Wings. So let’s take a look at the Earthrise version of the Conehead with the Cool Wings. Let’s say go!

Many thanks to my buddy Reyjin for loaning me Thrust for pictures and review.

Robot Mode: Thrust is yet another version of the Earthrise Seeker mold, which I have already reviewed in the form of Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Dirge. So this review will be rather short, as we are only focusing on what has been changed for Thrust. If you want to know more about the figure itself, I recommend reading the Starscream review first. Done? Okay, so let’s move on.

Thrust uses the same conehead design as Dirge for his head, though with a closed mouth instead of an open one. He has also received a new set of wings with his signature turbines inside of them. And finally he has gotten a new paintjob in the classic Thrust colors, rust-red and black. And… yeah, that’s pretty much it. Everything else is the same figure we’ve already seen before, an upscale of the Classics Seeker mold.

Alternate Mode: Same goes for the jet mode. Thrust transforms into the same F-15 Falcon jet as the other Seekers, though in his case he has VTOL engines in his wings and different rear stabilizers. Still no landing gear, which is a bad trend in current jet formers. And here, too, that’s pretty much it. Thrust probably has the most unique jet mode of the Seekers due to his wing turbines, but that’s really his only distinguishing feature.

Remarks: Thrust is one of the three Conehad Seekers that were introduced in the second season of the G1 cartoon and is mostly known for the turbines in his wings. That’s pretty much it, really. He is the one with the cool-looking wings. His gimmick of using the roar of his jet engines to scare his opponents is really just a weak variant of Dirge’s gimmick, to be honest, with a bit of Thundercracker’s sonic booms thrown in. So… yeah, Thrust is the one with the cool wings. Let’s leave it at that.

I could simply copy and paste my final verdict of this figure from the other Earthrise Seekers, honestly. Not a bad figure, but really just an upscaled version of the Classics Seeker design from 2006. So if you want all six Seekers in Voyager-size, Thrust is definitely on your list. Just don’t expect to see anything new here.

Rating: B-

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