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It's not easy being green!
Series: Superlink
Year: 2004
Allegiance: Destron
Class: Basic Terrorcon 

Please be aware that this is not a review, as I have never had this figure in hand. The pictures were provided by my good buddy Flo and I have reviewed other versions of this toy, which are are linked below for reference.
Remarks: The Forest Type Chromhorn from Superlink is a straight-up repaint of Superlink Chromhorn, whom I've reviewed before. In Hasbro's Energon line-up we only saw the "normal" Insecticon drone, no color variants. Forest Type Chromhorn came out near the end of the Superlink line in smaller production numbers than his standard variant and his packaging was identical to the first Chromhorn, only a sticker was added to change the ID. Despite being somewhat limited in terms of articulation, I do love the original Chromhorn figure and should I ever manage to find this one here for a somewhat decent price, I'll add him to my collection, too.
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Picture Copyright: Flo

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