Backblast is a simple robot, nearly incapable of independent thought. When Backblast is told to attack, he attacks, and does not stop attacking until the order is given. It is only when he is joined with the other two members of the Deep Space Mini-Con Team as the powerful Umbral Blaster that he feels his full potential. As a robot, he is only a barely sentient battering ram, but as a part of the Umbral Blaster the energy stored within his armored body is released in an unstoppable storm of destruction.
For Sureshock, it is nice to finally be back in action. He has enjoyed the relative peace under the Council of Sages, but even the most exciting off-road courses on the moons of Cybertron don´t compare to hopping from asteroid to asteroid under the constant threat of enemy attack. Sureshock lives for excitement, after all, and there is nothing more exciting than penetrating deep into enemy territory in order to pick a fight!
Please be aware that this is not a review, as I have never had these figures in hand. The pictures were provided by my good buddy Flo and I have reviewed other versions of these toys, which are linked below for reference.
Remarks: To bolster the Cybertron line-up, five Mini-Con teams from the Armada days and one from Energon were taken from storage, given new colors, and paired off more or less at random into nine different vs-Packs. At the very least, though, all nine packs sported individual profile texts for all these Mini-Cons (see above), making for a rather fascinating micro-continuity with the Cybertron series. In this pack we have Backblast, repaint of Armada Skyblast, and Sureshock, repaint of Energon Sureshock. Backblast combines with the rest of the Deep Space Team into the mighty Umbral Blaster, while Sureshock combines with the rest of the Street Action Team into Perceptor.
See Scrap Iron vs. Grindor and Blastcharge vs. High Wire for the rest of the Deep Space Team and the Street Action Team.
Picture Gallery:
Picture Copyright: Flo