Series: Generation 1
Allegiance: Decepticon
Categories: Cassette
Function: Saboteur
Year: 1984
Today's Autobots are tomorrow's scrap metal.
Ravage operates best alone. A creature of the night. Craftiest of all Decepticons. Adept at devising deadly new strategies. Remains aloof from others, but his deeds command their respect. Can virually escape detection -- emits an electromagnetic emmission shield, has soundless walk, disappears in subdued light or shadow. Carries 2 powerful heat-seeking missiles. Light-sensitive. Can be blinded.
Beast Mode: Ravage doesn't have a robot mode as such, he transforms into a robotic jaguar and looks mighty fine doing it. The great cat is rather thin, of course, as required by his alternate mode as a cassette, but other than that the look is extremely cool. Ravage is also surprisingly posable for such a little guy, all four feet can be posed independently to throw him into walking, standing, and sitting poses. Ravage carries two missiles as weapons on his side. A superb beast mode.
Alternate Mode: Ravage transforms into a small cassette that fits into Soundwave's tape deck (or that of the Autobot Blaster for that matter). The cassette has all the necessary detailing to appear as an actual micro cassette from the eighties. Now as alternate modes go a simple square isn't that spectacular. What is, though, is how this rather intricate robot can fold itself together like that. So bottom line, good alternate mode.
Remarks: For all that he never said a word, Ravage became one of the most beloved characters of Generation 1 along with his master Soundwave. Ravage even scored a reinvention for the Beast Wars series, where he appeared as an agent of the Tripredacus Council. The toy is pretty good as well, a very detailed and posable little cat, and quite possibly the best of all the cassette robots.
Rating: A-
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