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A conman and a fighter!
Series: Cybertron
Year: 2006
Allegiance: Decepticon / Autobot
Class: Mini-Con 2-Pack
One of the very few Mini-Con robots capable of long-distance spaceflight, Ramjet was recruited early on by Thrust. Relatively unarmed, he is more of a conman than a warrior; before Thurst began his rebellion against the Mini-Con Council of Sages he offered bargain tours of the Mini-Con colonies on the moons of Cybertron, often leaving tourists stranded in remote areas. Now, he charges extraordinary fees to robots desperate to escape the black hole only to dump them on the Terrorcon infested surface of Cybertron, or worse, into the black hole itself!
Unlike his friend Anti-Blaze, Scythe is a born fighter. A mobile and heavily armed brawler ready for a battle at a moment's notice, he never backs down, even from overwhelming odds. Scythe has known the freshman politician since before the Mini-Con robots first fled Cybertron for Earth millions of years ago. Now the two, together with Checkpoint, are brothers-in-arms in the fight against Thrust and his evil Mini-Con rebels.

Please be aware that this is not a review, as I have never had these figures in hand. The pictures were provided by my good buddy Flo and I have reviewed other versions of these toys, which are linked below for reference.

Remarks: To bolster the Cybertron line-up, five Mini-Con teams from the Armada days and one from Energon were taken from storage, given new colors, and paired off more or less at random into nine different vs-Packs. At the very least, though, all nine packs sported individual profile texts for all these Mini-Cons (see above), making for a rather fascinating micro-continuity with the Cybertron series. In this pack we have Ramjet, repaint of Armada Sonar, and Scythe, repaint of Armada Makeshift. Ramjet combines with the rest of the Sky Terror Team into the mighty Chaos Saber, while Scythe, like the rest of the Council of Sages, has a third mode where he becomes a weapon.
See Thrust vs. Anti-Blaze and Sunstorm vs. Checkpoint for the rest of the Deep Space Team and the Street Action Team.
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Picture Copyright: Flo

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