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One sets elaborate traps, the other just dances through them? Where do I know this from?
Series: Cybertron
Year: 2006
Allegiance: Decepticon / Autobot
Class: Mini-Con 2-Pack
You would expect anyone as big and tough as Payload to be pretty dumb, or at least used to relying on his natural strength and endurance to get him through life. Many have made the same mistake, but you underestimate the intelligence of this Mini-Con at your peril. Payload would much rather outwit his opposition than destroy them in a straight fight. He therefore spends his time setting traps and pitfalls for Ascentor, who - while smart - is often distracted by his own thoughts.
Unlike Monocle, and Landslide, Ascentor maintained contact with the Mini-Con robots that returned to Cybertron after the Armada Battles. Over the years, he has developed a philosophical give-and-take with the Mini-Con Council of Sages. This ongoing discussion occupies much of his core processor time, causing him to be distracted, and vulnerable to the traps set by payload. However, his years of deep thought have also caused his sensory and motor-control systems to rewrite themselves, giving him what appears to be nearly be a sixth sense when it comes to avoiding pitfalls and sneak attacks.

Please be aware that this is not a review, as I have never had these figures in hand. The pictures were provided by my good buddy Flo and I have reviewed other versions of these toys, which are linked below for reference.

Remarks: To bolster the Cybertron line-up, six Mini-Con teams from the Armada days were taken from storage, given new colors, and paired off more or less at random into nine different vs-Packs. At the very least, though, all nine packs sported individual profile texts for all these Mini-Cons (see above), making for a rather fascinating micro-continuity with the Cybertron series. In this pack we have Decepticon Payload, a repaint of Armada Ransack (I reviewed another version of him in the form of Armada Cliffjumper), paired off with Autobot Ascentor, a repaint of Armada Dualor from the Destruction Team. Interestingly enough the molds switched allegiances, as the Destruction Team was Decepticon-aligned, while Ransack's Adventure Team fought alongside the Autobots.
See Scattorbrain vs. Monocle and Kobushi vs. Landslide for the rest of the Lunar Assault and Exploration Teams.
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Picture Copyright: Flo

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