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See you later, alligator!
Series: Toyworld
Year: 2014
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Headmaster

Please be aware that this is not a review, as I have never had this figure in hand. The pictures were provided by my good buddy James aka Caked-Up.

Remarks: Neither Toyworld nor Fansproject managed to complete the entire line-up of 1987 G1 Headmasters, but in tandem I think we get them all. One character that both companies made their own versions of was Skullcruncher, and Toyworld's version here is called Swamper. Swamper has a bit of an interesting feature as the figure's robot mode can be modified so that the head of the beast mode is either on the back (like it was for the G1 figure) or on the front as a variation. Like all Headmasters, Swamper's head can detach and becomes a tiny extra robot that can ride in a cockpit on Swamper's vehicle mode.
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Picture Copyright: Caked-Up

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