Series: Perfect Effect
Year: 2014
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Upgrade Set
Prelude: While the G2 toyline was not really different enough from its G1 predecessor to garner commercial success, the G2 comic book series by Marvel was indeed quite different. In typical 90s fashion, it featured our favorite characters wielding a lot of really big guns. So what can we do to make the G2-themed Generations GDO Megatron even more G2? We add a whole bunch of really, really big guns, of course. Enter the Perfect Effect Super Tank Weapon Set. Let’s say go!
Upgrade Set: This upgrade set by Perfect Effect is intended for the Generations GDO Megatron that I reviewed a relatively short time ago. Now if you have read this review, you might remember that I really liked the figure, but said something along the lines of it needing better swords. Which brings us directly to the first part of this upgrade set here: a pair of better swords. Unlike the somewhat rubbery blades Megatron originally came with, these ones here are far more stable, look better, and fit into the same places as the original blades, too. So on that first part, mission fully accomplished.
The second part of the set is, as mentioned above, really big guns. Megatron gets a truly humongous shoulder gun, as well as a smaller but still quite bit rifle to hold in hand. Both guns come with connector pieces, too. The shoulder gun is multi-jointed, so that it can point in just about any direction you want or fold down along Megatron’s back, too. In tank mode it connects to the back of the turret and is fully articulated here, too. The rifle attaches to the back of the tank mode, so no parts are left over in either mode.
The new swords and extra guns really make this figure here look even more bad ass than it already was. There is, however, one flaw I do need to mention. In order to attach the big gun to Megatron’s shoulder in robot mode, you have to slide the connector piece into a really narrow slit on top of the shoulder. Meaning the entire gun rests on a very thin piece of plastic that is also slightly too broad for the slit it’s supposed to go into. I had to file it down a bit in order to fit and then it broke, forcing me to glue it back together. It’s holding now, but I am not too keen on trying out whether it will survive multiple attachments and removals from the shoulder.
So bottom line: an excellent upgrade set, only the shoulder connector for the big gun should be a bit more solid.
Remarks: Megatron’s green tank form is almost as famous as his original grey gun form and, in fact, most modern Megatrons are tanks now instead of guns, though usually grey ones. Generations GDO Megatron was a retool of Revenge of the Fallen Bludgeon and is missing the big shoulder gun that the original G2 Megatron sported, but with this upgrade set, you can fix that and give him proper swords to boot.
In closing I’d like to thank my buddy Scourge who found this set for me after I got my hands on GDO Megatron and while I was pretty upset when the connector piece broke on me, a bit of superglue and determination got everything working again and it is a great set. Perfect Effect also made variants of it for Bludgeon and the Botcon Gigatron version of the figure, by the way. So if you own any version of this excellent figure, I recommend getting the appropriate Perfect Effect upgrade set for it, too. Just be careful with that connector piece.
Rating: B+
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Picture Copyright: Philip S.