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Blue Man Group
Series: United
Year: 2010
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Voyager

Please be aware that this is not a review, as I have never had this figure in hand. The pictures were provided by my good buddy James aka Caked-Up and I have reviewed other versions of this toy, which are are linked below for reference.

Remarks: The combo of G2 Dreadwing & Smokescreen holds a special place in my heart, as I bought it during my last holiday trip to the US together with my mom & dad way back in the 90s. Fast forward 15 years, give or take, and Takara released a two-pack consisting of repaints of Revenge of the Fallen Mindwipe and Skystalker, styled to resemble that beloved G2 set and available exclusively at the Tokyo Toy Show in 2010. This is one set that is definitely still on my to-get list one of these days.
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Picture Copyright: Caked-Up

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