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Series: Galaxy Force
Year: 2005
Allegiance: Cybertron
Class: Deluxe

Please be aware that this is not a review, as I have never had this figure in hand. The pictures were provided by my good buddy Flo and I have reviewed other versions of this toy, which are are linked below for reference.
Remarks: Exillion was the Takara Galaxy Force name of Cybertron Hot Shot, whom I have reviewed before, and just like Cybertron did a red, Hot-Rod-styled repaint in the form of Excellion, Takara did their own red, Hot-Rod-styled repaint, though without giving him a new name (and Takara's came first, just saying). The red Exillion seen here was limited to 500 pieces and available only together with the Galaxy Force DVD (Volume 1). 
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Picture Copyright: Flo

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