Series: Power of the Primes
Allegiance: Decepticon
Categories: Deluxe
Year: 2017
Robot Mode: To start things of, Dreadwind is a remold of Combiner Wars Skydive, which brings us directly to one of the main differences between this figure and the original G1 Dreadwind: he has the cockpit of his jet mode on his back instead of it forming the center of his chest. There are other differences, too, as the wings of his jet mode are on his legs instead of his back and he carries a single gun instead of a combining double gun like his G1 predecessor (the one time those combining bathtub guns from Titans Return would have been G1-accurate!). Despite all these differences, though, you can still tell that this is Dreadwind. The head sculpt is top notch, the shoulders match, and the colors are close (might have been even closer before my G1 Dreadwind started yellowing).
Resemblances aside this is actually my first taste of the often-reused CW Skydive mold. Overall I like it, as it does not have any glaring weaknesses and works just fine in all its modes. As a robot Dreadwind is nicely articulated and the detailing and paint job easily depict the character. There are multiple ways to arrange the wings on the legs, either folded completely around or jutting out to the back or side. Like all Power of the Prime Deluxe figures he comes with “Prime Armor”, really the fist of the combiner mode which he can wear as chest armor. A Prime Master can fit into the center of the armor and the panel there can serve as a small gun. Dreadwind doesn’t look that bad with the armor, but I still like it better attached to his arm as a huge hand.
Overall there is very little to complain about here in robot mode. A nice and posable robot, easy character recognition, no real flaws. Thumbs up!
Alternate Mode: Dreadwind transforms into a fighter jet that appears to be a hybrid between an F-16 and an F-18. Like most jet Transformers he’s got a bit of an underbelly problem, the rear end especially looks rather bulky, but it’s still a nice looking jet. He’s got sculpted missiles under the wings and his gun can be attached underneath either wing (again, why not two guns here?). In a nice nod to G1 the Prime Armor can attach to the jet in almost the exact spot where G1 Dreadwind attached his Powermaster Hi-Test. No actual landing gear, sadly, but that’s not a big thing. Overall a nice jet mode. Not spectacular, but good.
Combiner Mode: Dreadwind can become an arm or leg for any Combiner Wars style combiner. He doesn’t belong to any specific combiner, though some official artwork depicts him as part of the nameless Starscream combiner, while his instruction sheet shows him attaching to Grimlock. He works well as either arm or leg, so use him in whatever combination you like best.
Remarks: While never appearing in the G1 cartoon, Dreadwind and his buddy Darkwing starred in several issues of the Marvel Transformers comics. They had a memorable encounter with a zombified Starscream, as well as avery humerous bar brawl involving Quickswitch, the Mecchanibals, and lots of Energon drinks. Dreadwind was portrayed as a manic depressive kind of guy, who managed to also depress everyone around him.
I have a bit of a soft spot for Dreadwind and Darkwing as they were among my favorite jet Transformers when I was a kid, so it was a given I’d get their Power of the Primes versions, too. PotP Dreadwind is a nice homage to the original figure and that he also serves as a combiner limb is a nice bonus. That said, this figure is really little more than yet another reuse of an already very prolific mold, so unless you’re like me and have a liking for the character, you’re really not getting anything new here. So bottom line: a nice figure, but no more than that.
Rating: B
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