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My name is Decepticharge! Like Windcharger, but evil! Get it?
Series: Alternators
Year: 2005
Allegiance: Decepticon


Please be aware that this is not a review, as I have never had this figure in hand. The pictures were provided by my good buddy James aka Caked-Up and I have reviewed other versions of this toy, which are are linked below for reference.

Remarks: Decepticharge is a repaint with a new head of Alternators Windcharger, whom I have previously reviewed. His rather hilarious name was really just a working title (Decepticon version of Windcharger). It is not public knowledge why the working name wasn't changed before release. Maybe none of the names Hasbro considered were available due to trademark issues, maybe they realized he looked nothing like any existing Decepticon character, or maybe someone just didn't pay attention before the whole thing was sent out into production. Either way, it's a yellow version of Windcharger with a different head. There are plenty of imaginary ads on the chassis (i.e. Dinotron racing fuel) and look-wise I actually prefer this guy to Windcharger. But the name is really hilarious.


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Picture Copyright: Caked-Up

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