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Series: G1 Reissues Commemorative Series
Allegiance: Autobot
Categories: City Commander
Year: 2002 (original from 1986)

Consistancy is victory.
Ultra Magnus is all soldier. Most comfortable when carrying out Optimus Prime's orders. Possesses magnificent fighting skills, courage, and a gift for battlefield improvisation. Uncomfortable in the mantle of leadership, but presents strong profile as a commander. Carries missile launchers capable of hitting a target 30 miles away. Resolute, fair, and courageous beyond reproach. Ever ready to sacrifice himself for the good of men and mission.

Robot Mode: In robot mode Ultra Magnus combines with his trailer to form a superrobot that looks pretty impressive, but has very little in the way of articulation and posability, only his arms move. Still, it is very show accurate and that counts for a whole lot among G1 toys. If you just transform his white tractor cab you get a clone of Optimus Prime, just in white. Which, in my opinion, looks a lot cooler than the super robot. The only differences of this reissue of Ultra Magnus to the '86 original are the longer red rockets on his shoulders and the shortened exhaust stacks on the semi-cap.

Alternate Mode: Ultra Magnus transforms into a white semi-cap truck and red and blue trailer. The cockpit of the cap opens up to show two seats for small pilot figures (a remnant from the old Diaclone toyline that preceeded Transformers). The trailer can transport pretty much any medium-sized car Transformer from that time, such as Prowl for example.

Partners / Add-Ons: The trailer transforms into Ultra Magnus' battle armor (of sorts) when he combines with it in super mode.

Remarks: When Hasbro first announced "the New Leaders" (Magnus and Galvatron) coming out, I thought that Ultra Magnus was supposed to Optimus Prime, just enhanced because he could link up with his trailor. That idea later got recycled for the Powermaster Optimus Prime and numerous other incarnations of the Autobot leader (RID, Armada, Energon, Cybertron), but Magnus is his own character.

Featuring promimently in both the Movie and the third season of the G1 cartoon Ultra Magnus is certainly an important part of the Transformers universe. Able to transform from truck into a super robot, his white 'Optimus-clone' mode was never seen in the cartoon. Dreamworks' "War & Piece" Transformers comic series recently established that Optimus and Ultra Magnus are 'brothers', meaning they came off the same assembly line. Magnus was just later enhanced by giving him a trailor that could function as a kind of armour for him. An issue actually featured him tearing it off due to battle damage, revealing the white Optimus look-alike beneath. Whatever the case, Magnus is a cool toy. A worthy addition to my collection.

Rating: B+
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