Series: Generation 1
Allegiance: Decepticon
Categories: Cassette
Year: 1984
Sow panic and surrender will bloom.
If Frenzy needed to breathe, war would be his oxygen. He knows no cause, only craves to spread fear and destruction. His efforts are appreciated by other Decepticons. His devotion to warfare makes him hard to deal with on a personal level. Can roll his drums to produce high-pitch, grating sounds of 200 db. Disorients and disrupts electrical flow in opponent's circuitry, which makes them malfunction. Physically weak. His manic attacks can be countered with cool logic.
Robot Mode: Frenzy is a small robot with lots of blue (not red, see below!) in him and looks like what he is: A small, mean little punk. Sadly he's missing the pile drivers he (or rather his red sibling Rumble) used so often in the G1 cartoon, but even without them he is a surprisingly posable and well-sculpted little guy for all that he turns into a simple cassette. Frenzy carries two weapons on his back that double as handguns. A very good robot mode.
Alternate Mode: Frenzytransforms into a small cassette that fits into Soundwave's tape deck (or that of the Autobot Blaster for that matter). The cassette has all the necessary detailing to appear as an actual micro cassette from the eighties. Now as alternate modes go a simple square isn't that spectacular. What is, though, is how this rather intricate robot can fold itself together like that. So bottom line, a good alternate mode.
Remarks: The most outstanding feature about Frenzy is that he often gets confused with Rumble. The two are identical robots with different colours, but for the cartoon the colours were reversed. So Frenzy is blue as a toy, but red in the cartoon, with Rumble vice versa. As a toy Frenzy is pretty nifty, though, a surprisingly posable little guy with lots of detailing and a cool look. My only complaint about him is his fragility, I fear that transforming him too often will break him sooner rather than later.
A little side note: Frenzy was first available packaged with Laserbeak in 1984, but was re-issued two years later in a package with fellow cassette Ratbat.
Rating (Frenzy): B+
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