Series: Generations Thrilling 30
Year: 2014
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Deluxe
Please be aware that this is not a review, as I have never had this figure in hand. The pictures were provided by my good buddy James aka Caked-Up and I have reviewed other versions of this toy, which are are linked below for reference.
Remarks: Jhiaxus here is an extensive retool of Thrilling 30 Armada Starscream, whom I have previously reviewed. This figure is supposed to portray Jhiaxus as he (briefly) appeared in the IDW comics, when Jhiaxus basically copied the then-current body of Starscream for a fight. Apart from the head, it bears little resemblance to Jhiaxus as he originally appeared in Generation 2. We would have to wait until Legacy Jhiaxus for that.
Picture Gallery:
Picture Copyright: Caked-Up