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Series: Universe 2.0
Year: 2008
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Voyager
Wave: Voyager Wave 4

Alternate Mode: Truck 

Released by Hasbro

Though search and rescue is his primary function - and one he happens to be very good at - Inferno loves nothing more than a good fight. In fact, he will often abandon his duties or even ignore direct orders, just to go antagonize Decepticons. He especially loves to get up close to his enemies, where the energy-damping field he generates to help suppress fires can eliminate the effectiveness of their weapons. He uses the chemical foam sprayed from his arm cannon to blind opponents as often as he uses it to put out fires.


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Missile (1532)

Other Versions of the Mold:
Botcon Exclusives  Spark (2010)
Spark (2010)
Generations  Hot Spot (2014)
Hot Spot (2014)
Generations GDO Hot Spot (2012)
Hot Spot (2012)
Henkei! Henkei!  Inferno (2009)
Inferno (2009)
Reveal the Shield  Solar Storm Grappel (2011)
Solar Storm Grappel (2011)
United  Artfire (2012)
Artfire (2012)
United  Grapple (2011)
Grapple (2011)


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Last updated: 01/02/2024
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com