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  Solar Storm Grappel

Series: Reveal the Shield
Year: 2011
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Voyager
Wave: Voyager Wave 1

Alternate Mode: Construction Vehicle 

Released by Hasbro

Before the war, the skyline of nearly every city on Cybertron was distinguished by the remarkable silhouettes of at least one building designed and constructed by Grappel. His work embodied the spirit and culture of his world, combining perfect functionality with unmatched elegance. It broke his spark to see his works destroyed, one by one, as the war ravaged the world. Now he builds without art, constructing buildings meant to last only long enough to shelter the Autobots while they plan their next mission.


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 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Botcon Exclusives  Spark (2010)
Spark (2010)
Generations  Hot Spot (2014)
Hot Spot (2014)
Generations GDO Hot Spot (2012)
Hot Spot (2012)
Henkei! Henkei!  Inferno (2009)
Inferno (2009)
United  Artfire (2012)
Artfire (2012)
United  Grapple (2011)
Grapple (2011)
Universe 2.0  Inferno (2008)
Inferno (2008)


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Last updated: 01/06/2024
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com