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Series: Generations
Year: 2010
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Deluxe
Wave: Generations Deluxe Wave 2

Alternate Mode: Military Vehicle 

Tags: War for / Fall of Cybertron 

Released by Hasbro

Megatron rebuilds himself continuously. When the war first began on Cybertron, he constantly applied new modifications to catch the Autobots unaware and under prepared. His spies are always on the lookout for new tech that will optimize his body into the perfect war machine. He is the bleeding edge of technology on Cybertron, and his enemies will pay the price for not keeping up.


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- Fusion Cannon
- Missile

Other Versions of the Mold:
Generations  Megatron (2011)
Megatron (2011)
Generations  Megatron (2014)
Megatron (2014)
United  Darkside Megatron (2011)
Darkside Megatron (2011)
United  Megatron (2010)
Megatron (2010)


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Last updated: 12/06/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com