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Series: Hunt for the Decepticons
Allegiance: Decepticon
Categories: Leader
Year: 2010

Optimus Prime may think him a coward, but Starscream never flees a fight out of fear alone. Every retreat is calculated to keep him alive long enough to return and destroy his opponents with overwhelming power. As long as the Autobots seek him in force, he will remain hidden. As soon as Optimus Prime ventures out alone, however, Starscream will strike.

Review by LimeWire:

Prelude: Even before the first live-action movie came out, the fans wanted three Leader-class figures: Optimus Prime, Megatron, and Starscream. Unfortunately only two out of three wishes were fulfilled, but this turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The innovations made by the two designers between the first and second movie are just phenomenal. Just imagine we’d have gotten a Starscream like the Voyagers in Leader-size... it boggles the mind.

Alternate Mode: Starscream transforms into an F-22 Lightning II, a tactical fighter jet with stealth technology. Meaning it’s the ideal for a backstabbing, yet ideological bastard, who is never above putting one over Megatron or scheming behind his back. The jet’s form is very realistically detailed. The only thing somewhat ruining the realism, yet at the same time the defining mark of this Starscream, are the many tattoos decorating his alternate mode. He scratched them into his own hide during his short time as regent of the Decepticons (as you can see in the IDW comic “Reign of Starscream”). I don’t want to imagine what psychologists might say about this kind of self-mutilation. The tattoos look good, but they are less detailed than they were in the movie.

Another small flaw is the somewhat thick underbelly of the jet, caused by the legs of the robot mode hidden in there. It’s not worth mentioning, though. What doesn’t fit well at all, though, are those strange-looking missiles, if you mount them on the jet. One is better served to replace or leave them aside. Starscream features sounds as well. Press the Decepticon logoon his left side and you hear a jet sound, as well as the nasal voice of Starscream, which proudly proclaims “No one can defeat Starscream!”. Yeah, well, if Optimus Prime is no one, then he’s right.

Robot Mode: While the transformation seems to be very complicated at first, but it becomes intuitive rather quickly. And when you’re done you have a very impressive and large toy figure of the Decepticons’ eternal second banana (relegated to third in the second movie and fourth in the third one). Definitely the best incarnation of Movie Starscream yet. Very posable arms and legs and even the head can be moved, though you have to open Starscream’s mouth in order to have him look sideways.

Unfortunately there are three parts that should have been posable in my mind, but aren’t. First, there are his fingers. The front portions should have been posable and individually sculpted. Second, it’s a pity that he doesn’t have wrist movement, for this would have made many more poses possible. The Voyager version had that very same problem. Third andfinally there is the hip, though I have no idea how you could possibly have made that posable.

Starscream carries two different weapons on his arms. His right arm contains a Gatling gun, his left arm two missiles. Very nicely detailed, I like it. Also, Starscream finally has his big missile launcher from the movies. You can fasten one of the missiles from his alternate mode to it and launch it. Cool! If you don’t need the launcher, it can be stored on the back. The robot mode, just like the alternate mode, is adorned with tattoos. Though in this mode you don’t see much of them. A few logos here and there, a scar or two, that’s it. Somewhat lacking, but still looking good. What bothers me a bit is the extreme top-heaviness of the figure, probably caused by the electronics inside.

Conclusion: A clear recommendation, a must-have for every Movie collection.
Rating: A
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