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Princess, Force Captain, Champion, and so much better than my brother!
Series: Masters of the Universe Classics
Real Name: Adora of the House of Randor
Title: Leader in the Great Rebellion
Year: 2010

When Adora and her twin brother Adam were born, the Sorceress recognized they were the twins prophesied to wield the Power of Grayskull. She therefore magically cloned the Sword of He, enhancing it with the Stone of Protection so that each twin could have a key to unlock the Power. But Hordak also learned of the twins and arranged for his Eternian pupil Skeletor to abduct the infants. Man-At-Arms prevented Adam from being taken but Adora was stolen away to the planet of Etheria deep in the Dimension of Despondos. There she was raised by Hordak until the day her brother returned, handing her sword which she held aloft to become She-Ra the most powerful woman in the universe.

Review: There was never an Adora figure in the original Princess of Power toyline, only a She-Ra figure that doubled as Adora by way of taking off her mask/tiara. The Filmation version of Adora, however, would not get a figure of her own until the Classics line in 2010. The wait was worth it, however, as this is Adora as we saw her in the Filmation cartoon, looking as if she stepped right off the screen. She has the same range of articulation as all MotU Classics figures, meaning pretty good, and comes with the Sword of Protection as her main weapon, the silver one from the cartoon, not the golden one that came with Classics She-Ra. She also carries a small laser gun, which she can holster in a removable belt on her hip. 

Bottom line: if you ever wanted an Adora figure, this one here is the best choice (and the only one, too, if we're honest).

Rating: 1


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