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 Ravage (G1) Covert Agent Ravage

Series: War for Cybertron Trilogy
Year: 2021
Allegiance: Predacon
Class: Deluxe
Function: Covert Agent

Alternate Mode: Animal: Mammal 

Released by Hasbro

After the Great War, Ravage was one of the Decepticons granted amnesty and reformatted into a Predacon. As Covert Agent Ravage, he is secretly dispatched to Earth by the Tripredacus Council during the Beast Wars. He is tasked with terminating the rogue Predacon called Megatron with extreme prejudice. But after the golden disk reveals a secret message from his long-dead Decepticon leader, he realizes where his allegiance lies: Decepticons Forever!

Hasbro Pulse Exclusive

Guns (2278)

Team / Set:

Part of the set Beast Wars Ravage 2-Pack, together with:

Decepticons Forever Ravage
Decepticons Forever Ravage


Other Versions of the Mold:
Beast Wars Again  Cheetus (2023)
Cheetus (2023)
War for Cybertron Trilogy Netflix Series Cheetor (2021)
Cheetor (2021)
War for Cybertron: Kingdom  Cheetor (2020)
Cheetor (2020)
War for Cybertron: Kingdom  Shadow Panther (2021)
Shadow Panther (2021)


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Last updated: 03/11/2022
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com