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 Bumblebee (G1) Bumblebee

Series: G1 Reissues
Year: 2001
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Keychain 

Alternate Mode: Car 

Released by Takara

The least likely can be the most dangerous.
Small, eager and brave, Bumblebee acts as a messenger and spy. Due to his small size, he dares to go where others can't and won't. He idolizes the bigger Autobots, especially Optimus Prime and Prowl, and strives to be accepted. He is the most energy efficient and has the best vision of all the Autobots. He can go underwater for reconnaissance and salvage missions. Although physically the weakest Autobot, his stealth more than compensates for this inadequacy.


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Keychain (1225)

Other Versions of the Mold:
Botcon Exclusives  Glyph (2002)
Glyph (2002)
G1 Japan Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Bumble (1985)
Bumble (1985)
G1 Reissues  Bugbite (2004)
Bugbite (2004)
G1 Reissues  Bumblebee (2018)
Bumblebee (2018)
G1 Reissues Encore Bumble (2008)
Bumble (2008)
G1 Reissues Transformers Collection Bumble (2005)
Bumble (2005)
Generation 1  Bumblebee (1984)
Bumblebee (1984)
Generation 2  Bumblebee (1993)
Bumblebee (1993)


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Last updated: 12/24/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com