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Series: Robots in Disguise
Year: 2001
Allegiance: Predacon
Class: Mega

Alternate Mode: Animal: Aquatic 

Released by Hasbro

I'll tear my enemies to shreds.
He is one of the most feared and respected Predacon warriors. His intelligence and love of poetry fools friends and enemies into letting down their guard - only to witness his terrifying change into a merciless warrior. The Anchor Arm on his left side can crush even the thickest, strongest wall like a microchip in the jaws of a shark.


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Missile Launcher (198)
Missile Launcher
Missiles (199)
Fin Blades (200)
Fin Blades

Other Versions of the Mold:
Beast Wars  Cybershark (1999)
Cybershark (1999)
Car Robots  Gelshark (2000)
Gelshark (2000)


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Last updated: 11/09/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com