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Series: Armada
Year: 2002
Allegiance: Mini-Con
Class: Mini-Con
Wave: Supercon Wave 2

Alternate Mode: Head 

Released by Hasbro

Efficiency through self-sufficiency.
Sideways is a conscientious, ninja-like warrior who races into battle. Disguised as a sports bike he exceeds speeds of 250 mph. Mysterious and silent, he reveals little about himself except a fierce drive to confront the enemy and quickly return to Cybertron. On Earth he undergoes a personality change that gives him both a good and a bad side based on Minicon influence. This split makes him highly unpredictable. It's hard to predict which half of his split personality will win in the end - the good side or the evil side!


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Other Versions of the Mold:
Energon  Nightscream (2003)
Nightscream (2003)
Micron Legend  Bright (2002)
Bright (2002)


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Last updated: 08/01/2016
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com