R-27 Hot Rod / Rodimus (G1) Calidus

Series: Mastermind Creations Reformatted
Year: 2017
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Captain

Alternate Mode: Car 

Tags: IDW Design 

Third Party, not an official Transformers product

Based on Rodimus as he appeared in the IDW comic series "More than Meets the Eye" and "Lost Light".


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Energon Bow (1584)
Energon Bow
Gun (1585)
Spare Head (1586)
Spare Head

Other Versions of the Mold:
Mastermind Creations Reformatted Black Calidus (2017)
Black Calidus (2017)
Mastermind Creations Reformatted Calidus Luminus (2017)
Calidus Luminus (2017)
Mastermind Creations Reformatted Exitus (2020)
Exitus (2020)
Mastermind Creations Reformatted Nitro (2018)
Nitro (2018)


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Last updated: 10/10/2023
Picture Copyright: Mastermind Creations