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 Bumblebee (Aligned) Energon Boost Bumblebee

Series: Robots in Disguise 2.0
Year: 2016
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: 3-Step Changer 

Alternate Mode: Car 

Released by Hasbro


 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Adventure  Big Bumblebee (2015)
Big Bumblebee (2015)
Robots in Disguise 2.0  Bumblebee (2015)
Bumblebee (2015)
Robots in Disguise 2.0  Night Ops Bumblebee (2015)
Night Ops Bumblebee (2015)
Robots in Disguise 2.0 Clash of the Transformers Bumblebee (2015)
Bumblebee (2015)
Robots in Disguise 2.0 Combiner Force Bumblebee (2017)
Bumblebee (2017)
Robots in Disguise 2.0 Combiner Force Power Surge Bumblebee (2017)
Power Surge Bumblebee (2017)


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Last updated: 10/06/2016
Picture Copyright: Hasbro / Takara-Tomy