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  Apex Bomber

Series: G1 Reissues Commemorative Series
Year: 2003
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Powermaster 

Released by Hasbro

Picture shows the 1988 God Bomber, but the figures are identical.


 Still to come 

Team / Set:

Also part of the following combiner(s):

Apex Armor Optimus Prime
Apex Armor Optimus Prime


Other Versions of the Mold:
G1 Japan  Fire Guts Godbomber (2002)
Fire Guts Godbomber (2002)
G1 Japan Masterforce Godbomber (1988)
Godbomber (1988)
G1 Reissues  Godbomber (2002)
Godbomber (2002)
G1 Reissues Commemorative Series Apex Bomber (2012)
Apex Bomber (2012)


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Last updated: 02/25/2016
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com