English German UW-06 Tactician CyclonusSeries: Unite Warriors Year: 2016 Allegiance: DecepticonClass: Voyager Alternate Mode: Airplane/Spacecraft Tags: Combiner Torso (CW)
English German
Alternate Mode: Airplane/Spacecraft
Tags: Combiner Torso (CW)
Accessories: Still to come
Team / Set:Member of the Grand Galvatron Team, together with: Curse Armada Thrust Ghost Starscream Wandering Roller Zombie War Breakdown combine into Grand Galvatron
Other Versions of the Mold: Seaclamp (2016) Cyclonus (2015) Scattershot (2016) Scattershot (2016) Silverbolt (2015) Silverbolt (2016) Scattershot (2016) Silverbolt (2015)