English German RavageSeries: Botcon Exclusives Year: 2016 Allegiance: PredaconClass: Deluxe Alternate Mode: Car Tags: Combiner Limb (CW)
English German
Alternate Mode: Car
Tags: Combiner Limb (CW)
Accessories: Still to come
Team / Set:Member of the Predacons, together with: Cicadacon Ramhorn Seaclamp Tarantulas combine into Predacus
Other Versions of the Mold: Tigatron (2016) Breakdown (2015) Breakdown (2016) Jumpstream (2016) Sunstreaker (2015) Wheeljack (2015) Counterpunch (2017) Breakdown (2015) Lightspeed (2016) Sunstreaker (2015) Trickdiamond (2016) Wheeljack (2016)