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  Cybertron Base

Series: Robot Masters
Year: 2004
Allegiance: Cybertron
Class: City 

Released by Takara

Identical with the Brave Maximus variant of the figure. Price in a Robotmasters contest, limited to 10 pieces.


 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Car Robots  Brave Maximus (2000)
Brave Maximus (2000)
G1 Japan Headmasters Fortress Maximus (1987)
Fortress Maximus (1987)
G1 Japan Masterforce Grand Maximus (1988)
Grand Maximus (1988)
G1 Reissues Encore Fortress Maximus (2013)
Fortress Maximus (2013)
Generation 1  Fortress Maximus (1987)
Fortress Maximus (1987)


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Last updated: 09/27/2015