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 Optimus Prime (G1) Laser Optimus Prime

Series: Generation 2
Year: 1995
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Laserrod 
Function: Leader

Alternate Mode: Truck 

Released by Hasbro

Freedom is the right of all sentient beings!
Showdown with Megatron in sector 17 of the Mirtonian constellation left Optimus severely damaged. Entire structural integrity and logistical circuitry processors were programmed into a sleeker, stronger, combat-ready configuration! Now this ultimate super hero has an arsenal of weaponry ready to repel an attack and immobilize Megatron once and for all! With Optimus' giant, laser-targeting rocket launcher, ripple-fire missile blaster and armor-piercing discs, Megatron had better think twice before firing the next shot...or it could prove to be his last!


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 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Car Robots  Black Convoy (2000)
Black Convoy (2000)
G2 Japan  Battle Convoy (1995)
Battle Convoy (1995)
G2 Japan  Battle Convoy (2006)
Battle Convoy (2006)
G2 Japan  Laser Ultra Magnus (2006)
Laser Ultra Magnus (2006)
Platinum Edition  Optimus Prime (2015)
Optimus Prime (2015)
Robots in Disguise  Scourge (2001)
Scourge (2001)
Universe  Toxitron (2003)
Toxitron (2003)


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Last updated: 12/31/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com