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 SD-19 Starscream (UT) Nightscream Reverse

Series: Superlink
Year: 2005
Allegiance: Destron
Class: Combat

Alternate Mode: Airplane/Spacecraft 

Released by Takara

Cybertrons, this is my true power!
Bestowed with Super-Energon, Nightscream has powered up! His tactic of sneaking up behind his opponent while invisible and delivering a fatal blow has tormented the Cybertrons for far too long. When he gains this new power, his true form will doubtless be restored.


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Energon Rifle (1189)
Energon Rifle
Energon Sword (1190)
Energon Sword
Missiles (1191)
Energon Minigun (1192)
Energon Minigun
Energon Mace (1193)
Energon Mace
Energon Star (1194)
Energon Star

Other Versions of the Mold:
Botcon Exclusives  Leozack (2009)
Leozack (2009)
Botcon Exclusives  Skyquake (2009)
Skyquake (2009)
Energon  Starscream (2004)
Starscream (2004)
Energon  Starscream Energon (2005)
Starscream Energon (2005)
Superlink  Nightscream (2004)
Nightscream (2004)


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Last updated: 11/09/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com