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Series: Generations Thrilling 30
Year: 2014
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Deluxe

Alternate Mode: Car 

Tags: IDW Design 

Released by Hasbro

With no memory of his life before a few cycles ago, Autobot Skids finds himself with a rare opportunity. Not knowing who he is allows him to be anything he wants to be, and the firepower of his mysterious new blaster gives him the strength to follow through on any adventure he pursues.


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Nitrogen Gun (1034)
Nitrogen Gun
Nudge Gun (1035)
Nudge Gun

Other Versions of the Mold:
Botcon Exclusives  Burn Out (2015)
Burn Out (2015)
Generations Thrilling 30 Crosscut (2014)
Crosscut (2014)
Legends  Skids (2016)
Skids (2016)
Movie Advanced  Rollbar (2014)
Rollbar (2014)
Platinum Edition Age of Extinction Rollbar (2014)
Rollbar (2014)


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Last updated: 12/05/2023
Picture Copyright: Hasbro / Takara-Tomy