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Series: Beast Machines
Year: 2000
Allegiance: Vehicon
Class: Deluxe
Wave: Deluxe Wave 6

Alternate Mode: Military Vehicle 

Released by Hasbro

Destruction is the highest form of art.
Ground-based Maximals have literally nowhere to hide from this fearsome Vehicon. Second only to Tankor in brute strength, Blastcharge can demolish just about anything in his path. Powerful off-road abilities allow him to endure the roughest terrain imaginable. Equipped with 3 long-range plasma ultrarockets - no weapon known on Cybertron travels farther. Sheer power and drive make him an extremely effective weapon, but incredible stupidity keeps him from rising within the Vehicon ranks. Often heard mimicking Megatron's brilliant sayings.


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Missiles (1321)

Other Versions of the Mold:
Universe  Blastcharge (2005)
Blastcharge (2005)


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Last updated: 12/08/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com