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 AM-25  Nemesis Prime

Series: Prime Arms Micron
Year: 2012
Allegiance: Other Villain
Class: Voyager
Function: Virtual Soldier

Alternate Mode: Truck 

Released by TakaraTomy

Nemesis Prime is a virtual soldier created as the result of Project Chimera, which was established by the antigovernment organization MECH. By equipping Starscream's T-cog into a machine built based on Optimus Prime's data, a phony Optimus lookalike was born. Its weapons and abilities are all copies of Optimus', but as a remotely operated drone, it feels no pain. Disgracing Optimus' name through vicious acts of destruction is also one of MECH's objectives.

Team / Set:

Comes with Minicon Partner(s):



Other Versions of the Mold:
Adventure  Ultra Magnus (2015)
Ultra Magnus (2015)
Prime Beast Hunters Ultra Magnus (2013)
Ultra Magnus (2013)
Prime Dark Energon Optimus Prime (2012)
Optimus Prime (2012)
Prime Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime (2012)
Optimus Prime (2012)
Prime Arms Micron  Battle Shield Optimus Prime (2012)
Battle Shield Optimus Prime (2012)
Prime Arms Micron  Optimus Prime (2012)
Optimus Prime (2012)


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Last updated: 02/25/2016
Picture Copyright: Hasbro / Takara-Tomy