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Series: Generations Fall of Cybertron
Year: 2012
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Deluxe

Alternate Mode: Car  - Military Vehicle 

Tags: War for / Fall of Cybertron 

Released by Hasbro

The five Combaticons alone are enough to give pause to even the mightiest Autobot force. When they combine into Decepticon Bruticus, they become the stuff of nightmares. He easily destroys his enemies with ultrasonic waves or a smack from his massive hands. Once he has begun on a path of destruction, no force in the known universe can stop him.

Available exclusively at amazon.com and BBTS


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 Still to come 

Team / Set:

Member of the G2 Combaticons, together with:

Blast Off
Blast Off

combine into 
Bruticus G2
Bruticus G2


Other Versions of the Mold:
Generations Fall of Cybertron Impactor (2013)
Impactor (2013)
Generations Fall of Cybertron Onslaught (2012)
Onslaught (2012)
Generations Fall of Cybertron Onslaught (2012)
Onslaught (2012)
Generations Japan  Onslaught (2013)
Onslaught (2013)
Platinum Edition  Onslaught (2013)
Onslaught (2013)


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Last updated: 01/02/2014
Picture Copyright: Laserwave13 & Transformers-Universe.com