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Series: Generations
Year: 2010
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Deluxe
Wave: Generations Deluxe Wave 5

Alternate Mode: Car 

Tags: War for / Fall of Cybertron 

Released by Hasbro

Even before the war, Cliffjumper was constantly spoiling for a fight. The Decepticons just gave him an excuse. He's been bending fenders and smashing heads for years now, and the fun never stops. Despite his short temper, he gets along well with the other Autobots, who appreciate his eagerness to take the first shot in every battle.


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Gun (1021)

Other Versions of the Mold:
Generations  Bumblebee (2010)
Bumblebee (2010)
Generations  Bumblebee (2011)
Bumblebee (2011)
United  Bumblebee (2010)
Bumblebee (2010)
United  Cliffjumper (2012)
Cliffjumper (2012)


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Last updated: 12/06/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com