Series: Botcon Exclusives
Year: 2010
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Deluxe Firecon
Alternate Mode: Animal: Reptile/Dinosaur

There is no nuance within the mind of Firecon Cindersaur. He is a simple creature whose purpose of existence is focused on the destruction of anything around him. This is not cruelty or some perverse enjoyment; to Cindersaur it is pure instinct to destroy and that is what he does best. His fusion powered flame breath can be used in both narrow and wide streams. His recent forestonite fueled upgrade has made this weapon more powerful. The constant stream of energy leaking from his joints causes him to leave a path of destruction everywhere he walks. A curious side effect of this energy leak is that he no longer needs to take baths in lava, as he was once so fond of, in order to soothe his aching joints. This has made Cindersaur both a faster and more efficient engine of destruction, but no more intelligent than before.