English German 04 LamborSeries: G1 Japan Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Year: 1985 Allegiance: CybertronClass: Autobot Car Alternate Mode: Car The picture shows the 2001 reissue of Lambor, but the figures are near-identical.
English German
Alternate Mode: Car
The picture shows the 2001 reissue of Lambor, but the figures are near-identical.
Accessories: Photon Rifle Missile Launcher Magnesium Flares(x3)
Other Versions of the Mold: Alert (1985) Alert (2001) Alert New Years Special (2001) Clamp Down (2003) Deep Cover (2003) Lambor (2001) Lambor New Year Special (2001) Tigertrack (2003) Red Alert (2003) Lambor (2001) Red Alert (1985) Sideswipe (1984) Sideswipe (1991) Sideswipe (1993)