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 C-311  Grand Maximus

Series: G1 Japan Masterforce
Year: 1988
Allegiance: Cybertron
Class: Headmaster City 

Released by Takara

Can function and has the ability of both headmaster and pretender. Has the ability to make correspondence in his different transformer modes regardless of the situation. From within his chest energy is gathered within two ducts enabling him to fire his takion beam at the same time as proton master rifle which dissintegrates his enemy.


 Still to come 

Other Versions of the Mold:
Car Robots  Brave Maximus (2000)
Brave Maximus (2000)
G1 Japan Headmasters Fortress Maximus (1987)
Fortress Maximus (1987)
G1 Reissues Encore Fortress Maximus (2013)
Fortress Maximus (2013)
Generation 1  Fortress Maximus (1987)
Fortress Maximus (1987)
Robot Masters  Cybertron Base (2004)
Cybertron Base (2004)


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Last updated: 11/30/-0001
Picture Copyright: Hasbro / Takara-Tomy