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 C-309  Godbomber

Series: G1 Japan Masterforce
Year: 1988
Allegiance: Cybertron
Class: Godmaster 

Alternate Mode: Truck 

Released by Takara

God Ginrai is the ultimate Cybertron warrior, born of the "Super-God Combination" of Super Ginrai and Godbomber. Super Ginrai is a gentle intellectual, usually a quiet commander, but when the Destrons start attacking, he becomes a warrior whose bravery is second to none. Well versed in various martial arts, he is willing to lay down his life to defend against destruction and invasion. God Bomber is a new warrior constructed by the Cybertrons on Earth after they receive information from the Cybertron space warrior Grand Maximus. The project to build him is called the Bomber Plan. Acts in accordance with Ginrai's orders. He can also move when Shuuta, Minerva and Cab all work as one. Wields the "Machine-Gun God Cannon" - firing projectiles machine-gun style, he opens up a beehive of holes in his foes, destroying them.


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Team / Set:

Also part of the following combiner(s):

God Ginrai
God Ginrai


Other Versions of the Mold:
G1 Japan  Fire Guts Godbomber (2002)
Fire Guts Godbomber (2002)
G1 Reissues  Godbomber (2002)
Godbomber (2002)
G1 Reissues Commemorative Series Apex Bomber (2003)
Apex Bomber (2003)
G1 Reissues Commemorative Series Apex Bomber (2012)
Apex Bomber (2012)


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Last updated: 07/06/2017
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com