Series: Botcon Exclusives
Year: 2009
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Deluxe
Alternate Mode: Car

Every experience is worth savoring.
The youngest Autobot assigned to the Eight Track, Kup hides his eagerness and inexperience behind adherence to the command structure and protocol. Kup seeks to emulate his Captain and mentor, Thunderclash, but also looks up to Landshark due to his unorthodox approach. He can't help but be in awe of both his comrades and all the new worlds he has visited serving aboard the Eight Track. A manufacturing glitch gave Kup's joints the ability to detach and re-attach without causing permanent damage to his superstructure. This gives him surprising resilience and makes him exceptionally easy to repair. This ability also lets him swap out his hand for a top-of-the-line laser musket and other useful tools. His lack of experience also leaves him vulnerable, but he is as brave and loyal as they come.