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 Optimus Prime (UT) Galaxy Force Optimus Prime

Series: Cybertron
Year: 2006
Allegiance: Autobot
Class: Leader
Wave: Leader Wave 4
Function: Autobot Leader

Alternate Mode: Truck 

Released by Hasbro

With the rediscovery of the lost colony worlds and the reunification of the Transformers race after millions of years, Optimus Prime has become the leader of far more people than he ever could have imagined. Cybertron Primus has been reactivated, the Planet Keys returned to their rightful place on Cybertron, and Galvatron and his Decepticons all but defeated. It is time, he thinks, for a new golden era of peace in the galaxy, and he has ordered the construction of a fleet of starships so that the Autobots might explore the galaxy around them, bringing peace and justice wherever they go. While many of the Autobot soldiers who fought with him are choosing to remove their weapons systems now that the war is over, Optimus Prime has decided to keep his, not because he hopes war will once again come, but as a reminder of what once was. He hopes to serve as a reminder to all those who would bring violence and tyranny to the universe that there are mighty warriors who will stand against them always.


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Hand Gun (2174)
Hand Gun
Missiles (2175)
Matrix of Leadership (2176)
Matrix of Leadership
Gun Pods (2177)
Gun Pods
Trailer (2178)
Cyberkey #lo9x (2179)
Cyberkey #lo9x

Other Versions of the Mold:
Cybertron  Optimus Prime (2005)
Optimus Prime (2005)
Galaxy Force  Galaxy Convoy (2005)
Galaxy Convoy (2005)
Galaxy Force  Galaxy Convoy Clear (2005)
Galaxy Convoy Clear (2005)


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Last updated: 10/23/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com