Megatron (UT) Megatron

Series: Armada
Year: 2002
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Gigacon
Wave: Gigacon Wave 1

Alternate Mode: Military Vehicle 

Released by Hasbro

My power is your doom!
Megatron commands the Decepticons by being the strongest and most terrifying warrior of them all. He can use his massive firepower for maximum devastation, enabling him to level a battlefield to the ground. There can be only one ruler of the universe, and Megatron intends to be that ruler. He will not stop until he has the Mini-Cons because they will give him unimaginable abilities and power. Will he achieve his goal to become ruler and destroy the Earth in his quest to posses the Mini-Cons?


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Missiles (1407)

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Other Versions of the Mold:
Armada  Galvatron (2003)
Galvatron (2003)
Micron Legend  Black Megatron (2003)
Black Megatron (2003)
Micron Legend  Megatron (2002)
Megatron (2002)
Micron Legend  Megatron Supermode (2003)
Megatron Supermode (2003)
Universe  Megazarak (2004)
Megazarak (2004)


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Last updated: 11/09/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &